1. Lock your ribs down with your abs.
2. Tuck your tailbone between your knees.
3. Do not let your lower back sag.
1. Start in a tall position with your chest high and a 90° angle at both knees.
2. Squeeze the glute of your down knee and tuck your tailbone under. Your pelvis should be squared and level.
3. Brace your abs to pull your lower ribs down.
4. Keep your knee out over your little toe as you chop the band down with your arms.
1. Begin with your abs tight and your ribs pulled down. Think of using your abs to control the space between your ribs and the front of your pelvis, and don't let them get further apart as you move, and keep your shoulders back.
2. Carry the weight with tightly braced abs while keeping your shoulders back and your head neutral.
3. Don't slouch or let the weight pull you to the side.
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