1. Get movement through the shoulder, not the spine.
1. Grip the front of your toes and root your weight through your heels.
2. Use your arms to pull your hips deep into the squat while keeping your chest high.
3. Use your arms to pry your knees outward.
4. While keeping your weight on your heels, straighten your knees and stretch your hamstrings.
5. Don’t shift your weight onto your toes, lift your heels off the ground or collapse your knees inward.
1. Lower so that at the bottom your knees are both around 90 degrees.
2. Don't let your hips open up at the bottom. Keep them squared forward.
3. Keep your lower back neutral by pulling your ribs down with your abs and keeping your abs tight. Don't let your back arch. 4. Drive upward with your weight rooted through the heel of your forward foot.
5. Keep your knee tracked straight ahead over your toes.
1. Lower with your weight on your forward heel.
2. Don't let your hips open up at the bottom. Keep them squared forward.
3. Keep your lower back neutral by pulling your ribs down with your abs and keeping your abs tight. Don't let your back arch. 4. At the bottom position, rotate your shoulders toward your forward knee.
5. Drive upward with your weight rooted through the heel of your forward foot. 6. Keep your knee tracked straight ahead over your toes.
1. Position your spine by locking your ribs down in an exhaled position with your abs.
2. Keep your tailbone tucked under and your ribs pulled down throughout the movement.
3. Walk your hands out to stretch out as far as you can without losing tension in your abs. 4. Stop before your back arches and return.
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